Written By Atiiqah Suhaimi

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Atiiqah Suhaimi is an Arabic Calligraphy artist and teacher based in Singapore.

“By the pen and what they write.”

In the practice of traditional Arabic calligraphy, a student is tasked to write their own license (Ijazah) at the end of their training of a font. The teacher then, will acknowledge the student’s mastery by signing on the license thus giving the permission for the student to sign their name under any artwork written in that particular font. An emblem, designed by the teacher, will also be gifted to the student as a sign of the everlasting relationship between the teacher and the student. The emblem known as the calligrapher’s signature containing the words “written by Calligrapher” in Arabic can be seen incorporated into all of the artworks written by the calligrapher. Through this journey “Written by Atiiqah Suhaimi” was born.

“My Personal belief is that the ingredient for success is not only talent but also hard work and determination.”

Here is my story.